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The Denver Show 2013 Mineral Rooms

Re-Updated January 11th, 2015

Denver2012-72HematiteJequitinhonhaValleyBrazil53mm.jpg (236850 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-41 New!

Brilliant crystals of Hematite in cluster!
This super lustrous Hematite crystal "rose" is mirror-reflective and incredibly flashy!
It's composed of numerous layers of shiny Hematite crystals are stacked atop one another to
form the shape of a rose or rosette. In excellent conditional with only minor edge contacts near
the very bottom where the cluster was separated from the host matrix. Even better in person!
From the
Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Measures 5.5 cm by 4.6 cm by 1.8 cm in total size.
Ex. T. Bye Mineral Collection
Price $685


Denver2012-73GoldHematiteDutchmanMineArizona7cm.jpg (201997 bytes) Denver2012-73b.jpg (221983 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-42 New!

Richly painted specimen of Native Gold on Hematite matrix!
This is an impressive specimen of bright yellow Gold from a seldom seen locality. There's a lot of
Gold here in the form of brilliant flakes and there's no telling just how much Gold is inside of the
brown Hematite matrix. I count at least 5 patches of Gold on the surface which has been exposed.
From the Dutchman Mine, Bouse, Plomosa District, Plomosa Mts, La Paz County, Arizona.
Measures 6.5 cm by 4.3 cm by 6.3 cm in total size.

Ex. David Glenn Mineral Collection
Price $3500

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Denver2012-128NickelineSchlemaGermany66mm.jpg (293474 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-43 New!

RARE! Lustrous crystals of Nickeline with Nickelskutterudite from Saxony!
This is a rich, old time classic specimen from a very historic locality. The crystals of Nickelskutterudite
NiAs2-3) are a highly reflective silverish color while the Nickeline (NiAs) is more pinkish-bronze. The crystals
measure to 1.3 cm in size. There appears to be a smaller coating of a few crystals with what appears to
be Safflorite. The specimen is in excellent condition and probably dates back to the 1940's or 1950's.
Also with some minor Proustite association on the upper right side on the specimen.
From Schlema, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany.
Measures 5.7 cm by 6.8 cm by 4.2 cm in total size.

Ex. J. R. Jelks Mineral Collection
Price $4850

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Tucson2010-256ScheeliteFluoriteMtXuebaodingChina.jpg (601991 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-44 New!

Fine combo of Scheelite with transparent Fluorite on Muscovite!
These combos are so rare these days and the perfect matching size of both crystals is really nice!
Numerous smaller Scheelites are scattered atop the matrix on both sides. No damage to speak of.
From the Mt. Xuebaoding Mine, Pingwu, Sichuan Province of China.
Measures 6 cm by 6.2 cm by 4.8 cm in total size.

Price $4500

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Tucson2010-332SilverSanMartinMineMexico.jpg (71699 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-45 New!

Thick and impressive curved wire of Native Silver accented by micro Acanthite!
A superb example of an off-matrix Silver wire! The striations are very pronounced
and the luster is excellent. A lovely antique patina completes the entire package.
From the San Martin Mine, San Martin, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures 3.6 cm by 2.1 cm by 1.2 cm in total size.

Price $895

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Tucson2010-257SphaleriteRhodochrositeManuelitaMinePeru.jpg (435856 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-46 New!

Colorful mix of rootbeer-colored Sphalerite crystals on pink Rhodochrosite!
The color of the Sphalerite crystals is an intense amber-brown and is quite gemmy in some
locations. The pink Rhodochrosite covers almost the entire matrix with a beautiful contrast.

From the Manuelita Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junin Department, Peru.
Measures 7.2 cm by 5.1 cm by 4.2 cm in total size.

Price $585

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Tucson2010-314GalenaCalciteChalcopyriteDalnegorskRussia.jpg (150035 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-47 New!

Aesthetic cluster of lustrous Galena cubes with stacked pokerchip Calcites!
Chalcopyrite crystals can be seen on the backside, embedded into the Calcite stacks.
Damage free and flashy, this is one of the better combos from Russia I saw at the show.

From Dal'negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia.
Measures 5.8 cm by 6.1 cm by 4 cm in total size.

Price $1450

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Tucson2010-313PyriteQuartzKrushevDolMineBulgaria.jpg (122968 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-48 New!

Super lustrous crystal clusters of Pyrite on Quartz matrix!
The largest cluster measures 3 cm in size and most are 2 cm to 3 cm. The crystals
themselves are very flashy golden-bronze with sharp faces and layers of growth.

From the Krushev dol Mine, Madan Ore Field, Rhodope Mtns., Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria.
Measures 11.2 cm by 7 cm by 4.5 cm in total size.

Price $585

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Tucson2010-331SpessartineCleavelandite.jpg (130372 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-49 New!

Lustrous crystals of Spessartine Garnet on Albite with scattered Calcites!
The entire specimen exhibits great flash and the small Calcites are doubly terminated.
Unlike many of the Spessartines I've seen from this locale, these crystals have a much better
color and tend to lean somewhat towards the oranger side of red. Well striated and complete.
From Gilgit, Gilgit District, Northern Areas of Pakistan.
Measures 4.4 cm by 7 cm by 3.8 cm in total size.

Price $685

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Tucson2010-336CopperBisbeeArizona.jpg (225934 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-50 New!

CLASSIC Copper specimen! Fine pocket of bluish-tinted Native Copper crystals!
I love the way these Copper crystals sit inside the matrix recess. The appearance is
very organic and original and the bluish coating adds a nice touch to the specimen.
From the 5th level of the Southwest Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona.
Measures 12.4 cm by 7.5 cm by 5.6 cm in total size.

Ex. Evan Jones Mineral Collection
Price $785

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Tucson2013-141AcanthiteAmethystCzechRepublic.jpg (206530 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-51 New!

Lovely Amethystine Quartz with Pyrargyrite, Prousite and Acanthite crystals on matrix!
This is a classic Silver specimen with a beautiful display. There's a good bit of red still
showing through in the Pyrargyrite and Prousite crystals. They're in great shape as well.
From St. Joachimsthal, Erzegebirge, Czech Republic.
Measures 6 cm by 5 cm by 3 cm in total size.

Price $985

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Denver2013-94CopperPhoenixMineMichigan16cm.jpg (268236 bytes)
Denver2013-94closeup.jpg (316917 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-52 New!

Classic specimen of Native Copper with superb crystallization!
This is only the second cabinet sized Native Copper from Michigan that has caught my eye recently.
The crystallization of impressive Copper is sharp and unique (look at the incredible dendritic crystal
"wings" in the close-up photo!) and the entire specimen is composed of large, thick crystal dendrites
and Spinels. Along the left edge are unique 5.5 cm crystal growths that resemble wings and these are
attached to even larger crystal dendrites which form the majority of the center before finally twisting
their way upwards to the very top. Interesting note - If you look at the very center of the specimen, you
will see a smoother surface area that extends about one third of the specimen. This is an original drill bit
contact from the miner's drill! As if the specimen weren't unique enough, this puts it over the top! And
the provenance isn't too bad either. This specimen is Ex. Russell MacFall who was the former editor of
the Chicago Tribune. This specimen dates to the early 1900's and exhibits an antique patina over luster.
From the Phoenix Mine, Phoenix, Keweenaw County, Michigan.
Measures 16.5 cm by 10 cm by 7.5 cm in total size.

Ex. Russell MacFall Mineral Collection
Comes with a custom made, engraved display stand
Price $12,500

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Tucson2013-149FluoriteCalciteDalnegorskRussia.jpg (196846 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-55 New!

Large colorless Fluorite cube set atop Pyrite accenting Calcite crystals!
The Fluorite is complete on all sides and exhibit a satiny luster over a translucent
interior. It measures 5.3 cm by 4.3 cm in size and has a wonderful internal patterning
along cleavage zones. This is a natural feature and it makes for a great visual display.
From the 2nd Sovetskii Mine, Dal'negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Far-Eastern Region, Russia.
Measures 9.5 cm by 9.5 cm by 5 cm in total size.

Price $985

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Tucson2013-142DanburiteCitrineQuartzCharcasMexico87mm.jpg (167389 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-57 New!

Natural Quartz var. Citrine crystals on glassy white Danburite!
Fine specimen featuring a large terminated Danburite crystal with natural
Citrine Quartz crystals attached to the front and bottom. This is a fairly unique
specimen and I can't recall seeing another like it. The Danburite is complete and
beautifully glassy, measuring 8.5 cm by 3.2 cm in size. It is accompanied by a dozen
of so other Danburites of varying size. I count at least six orange Citrine crystals,
all of which are quite gemmy. The largest of these measures to .8 cm in length.
From Charcas, Mun. de Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
Measures 8.5 cm by 6.4 cm by 5.3 cm in total size.

Price $895

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Denver2013-97FluoriteQuartzHunanProvinceChina.jpg (189468 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-59 New!

Attractive specimen featuring large cubes of bi-colored Fluorite on Quartz matrix!
These cubes are mostly purple with green undertones and interior frosting near some of
the corners. The
surfaces are satiny lustrous and the cubes are translucent to transparent.
They measures in size to 4 cm and sit atop a drusy covered Quartz matrix. In very good
condition with no serious contacts and an intense sparkle. This is older material, circa 1998.
From the Xianghualing Mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China.
Measures 6.5 cm by 13.5 cm by 6.4 cm in total size.

Price $895

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Denver2013-138EpidoteQuartzJinkouheLeshanPrefectureSichuanProvinceChina.jpg (259759 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-60 New!

Stunning combination featuring green Epidote clusters with glassy Quartz crystals!
Some of these Epidote clusters take on the appearance of "Ram's Horns" and curl backwards
upon themselves. The tips are dark and glossy and give off a flashy sparkle while the interiors
are more matted and shift to a lighter green color. The Quartz points are transparent and sharp.
From Jinkouhe, Leshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province of China.
Measures 6.8 cm by 8.2 cm by 5.8 cm in total size.

Price $1500

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