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The Denver Show 2013 Mineral Rooms

Re-Updated January 11th, 2015

Denver2012-102ArgentitepsGalenaProustiteBariteOldHopeOfGodPitGermany7cm.jpg (250833 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-23 New!

Very rare combination featuring Argentite ps. after Galena with Realgar and Xanthoconite crystals on Barite!
Xanthoconite is a rare Silver Arsenic Sulfide (
Ag3AsS3). These rare specimens came to market years ago and
only a few good ones were available at that time. They've long since disappeared and I haven't seen one in
almost a decade. The Xanthoconite can be seen scattered about atop the Barite blades near the Argentite
which has completely pseudomorphed and taken on the habit of the Galena cubes. Red Proustite crystals
are also present on this unique Silver specimen, displaying a close association with the Xanthoconite.

From the
Alte Hoffnung Gottes Mine, Kleinvoigtsberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany.
Measures 7.5 cm by 5.5 cm by 4 cm in total size.

Price $3500

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Denver2012-105MercuryCinnabarSocratesMineCalifornia35mm.jpg (297717 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-24 New!

Scarce specimen featuring spheres of Native Mercury atop red Cinnabar!
I seldom come across examples of Native Mercury at the shows so specimens don't make
it to my website very often. Mercury is the only mineral that I know of that is liquid
at room
temperature and is an absolute must for any Native Element collection. This is a beautifully
preserved specimen featuring several dozen mirror-like drops of Mercury atop the Cinnabar
and shiny matrix. Looking at the surface with a 16x magnification shows the heavy coverage!
From the Socrates Mine, Castle Rock Springs area, Mayacmas Mts, Sonoma County, California.
Measures 3.5 cm by 3.5 cm by 2.4 cm in total size.

Ex. Charles Leavitt Mineral Collection
Price $985

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Denver2012-34CopperAhmeekMineMichigan10cm.jpg (141880 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-25 New!

Exceptional specimen featuring large crystals of Native Copper!
The large triangular crystal on the top measures 3.5 cm in size! Smaller crystals measuring to nearly 3 cm
form the majority of what is a large dendritic-styled growth pattern. The Copper surfaces are lustrous with an
attactive reddish-brown patina. The specimen is very asethetic and the crystal placement makes it 3-dimensional.

From the Ahmeek Mine, Ahmeek, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.
Measures 9.6 cm by 4.3 cm by 4.4 cm in size.

Ex. Rolf Wein Mineral Collection
Price $4500

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Denver2012-92MWAzuriteAustralia11cm.jpg (160958 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-26 Sold!

Unique specimen featuring flattened Azurite nodules on matrix!
A collection of these unusual specimens appeared in Tucson a few years back and quickly disappeared
from the market. This is best example I've seen since then and the 4.5 cm Azurite nodule is one of the
largest I've offered on the website. A couple of smaller nodules accent the hard Kaolinite matrix. The
flattened Azurite is actually crystalline with crystal faces at the edges. It was forced to grow outwards by
the narrow spacing between the Kaolinite layers but this accounts for the unique form and satiny luster.
From the Malbunka Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory, Australia.
es 11.3 cm by 9.5 cm by 5 cm in total size.
Ex. Webb Mineral Collection

Price $2500

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Tucson2012-214ChalcedonySideriteHuttenbergAustria8cm.jpg (189432 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-28 New!

Bi-colored Chalcedony over Siderite crystals!
A scarce specimen of pearly Chalcedony coating large Siderite crystals. The colors
present are golden-tan and silver-grey
and there are no visible contacts to speak of.
From Hüttenberg, Carinthia, Austria.
Measures 6.5 cm by 7.6 cm by 3.7 cm in total size.

Price $685

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Denver2012-75ChalcoypyriteQuartzBandoraMineColorado35mm.jpg (185985 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-29 New!

Large lustrous Chalcopyrite crystal on Quartz needles!
This impressive golden Chalcopyrite crystal measures 2.6 cm in length! The matrix
is a cluster of fine Quartz needles with no visible damage. I rarely see classic Colorado
mineral specimens from the Silverton area. this specimen represents a rare opportunity.
The Bandora Mine operated intermittently between 1884 and the early 1950's.
From the Bandora Mine, South Mineral Creek, San Juan Co., Colorado.
Measures 3.7 cm by 2.8 cm by 2.8 cm in total size
Ex. Grace Dyck Mineral Collection
Price $485

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Tucson2012-222GoethitePSSeleniteChihuahuaMexico85mm.jpg (180124 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-30 New!

Unique PSEUDOMORPH specimen featuring Goethite ps after Selenite crystals!
Visually this specimen is quite impressive. The brown Goethite pseudomorphs the Selenite crystals
and accurately displays the crystal habit despite the difference in appearance. The largest of the
pseudomorphs measures nearly 8 cm in length! The interiors are hollow and cast-like in structure.
From Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Measures 9.7 cm by 6.4 cm by 4.6 cm in total size.

Ex. Hansen Mineral Collection
Price $1850

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Denver2011-62GypsumSeleniteSantaEulaliaMexico17cm.jpg (184344 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-31 New!

Brilliant crystal of transparent Selenite set among Gypsum matrix!
Perfectly terminated and measuring nearly 10 cm in length, this Selenite has a lot of pizzazz
for such a common mineral. The surfaces are superbly striated, giving the crystal an amazing
sheen or luster. The termination is fine with only a small bit of irregularity on the right side. Other
smaller Selenites pop out here and there from the yellowish-tan Gypsum matrix. Very fluorescent!

From Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Measures 17 cm by 15.7 cm by 11.8 cm in total size.

Price $1500

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Denver2013-104SilverMorocco6cm.jpg (266769 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-33 New!

Brilliant specimen of Native Wire Silver on Acanthite and Quartz matrix!
This specimen caught my eye immediately and I've seen more Moroccan Silvers than I can
count probably. I think it's the intense luster and beautiful toning that attracted me to the piece
first but I also like the way the wires curl around at the very top of the Quartz and Acanthite
matrix. The Acanthite appears to be a combination of crystals and epimorph form shaped by the
Quartz matrix. The Acanthite is quite lustrous and appears mainly at the edges and back side.
From the Imiter Mine, Imiter District, Djebel Saghro, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco.
Measures 6 cm by 6.2 cm by 3.8 cm in total size.

Ex. Webb Mineral Collection
Price $3500

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Denver2013-51EnargiteStewartMineMontana85mm.jpg (235201 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-34 New!

Attractive plate of Enargite crystals with fine Quartz needle clusters!
This is one of those "black uglies" that is actually pretty good looking. The crystals are
much sharper than normal and evenly spaced atop the plate. The surfaces of the crystals
are incredible flashy with an intense sparkle in even faint lighting. Small clusters of fine
needle Quartz provide the perfect accenting along the top edge. This is a superb miniature.
From the Stewart Mine, Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana.
Measures 8.5 cm by 6.8 cm by 2 cm in total size.

Comes with an old original handwritten label
Price $950

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Denver2013-81ChrysocollaMorenciMineArizona77mm.jpg (249482 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-35 New!

Fine specimen of Chrysocolla with Azurite, Malachite, and Tenorite!
This specimen has a little of everything and the various colors forming the textured surfaces are
evidence to this fact. The blue Chrysocolla pops the most along the bottom half and is covered with a
silky luster. The Tenorite is present as the dark, almost black mineral coating in the deeper recesses.
From the Morenci Mine, Morenci, Copper Mountain District, Shannon Mts, Greenlee Co., Arizona.
Measures 8 cm by 6 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Ex. Edward David Mineral Collection
Price $985

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Denver2013-54PyriteRensselaerIndiana.jpg (239650 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-36 New!

Cabinet sized plate featuring lustrous crystal clusters of Pyrite on Marcasite!
These Pyrite clusters are in excellent condition and are formed from dozens of smaller
octahedrons. They measure to 6 cm in size and I count at least six clusters on this plate.
This is an old locality and specimens from here are quite scarce. The quarry is now flooded.
From the Rensselaer Quarry, Pleasant Ridge, Jasper County, Indiana.
Measures 14 cm by 11.2 cm by 6.8 cm in total size.

Price $1500

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Denver2012-112GoldBullfrogDisctrictNevada42mm.jpg (229330 bytes)
Denver2012-112b.jpg (383882 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-37a New!

VERY RARE and historic specimen of crystalline Native Gold on altered Rhyolite matrix!
A very rich specimen of Native Gold from a locality that is tied to one of the most famous ghost towns
in America - Rhyolite, Nevada! The photo above shows the brilliant Gold crystals which are bright in
color and very lustrous. The matrix is typical to the Bullfrog District and matches the material I've
personally dug many times while exploring the Rhyolite area. This specimen dates to the early 1900s
and was displayed in the Beatty Exchange Club
for years until it was donated to the Keck Museum.
I've only seen three specimens of Gold from the Rhyolite District and two of those are in this update.
From near Rhyolite, Bullfrog District, Nye County, Nevada.
Total specimen weight is 57 grams.
Measures 4.5 cm by 2.2 cm by 3.5 cm in total size.

Ex. Beatty Club, W. M. Keck Museum, Kleine Collections
Price $3500

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Denver2012-97GoldBullfrogDistrictNevada5cm.jpg (354095 bytes)
Denver2012-97b.jpg (349132 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-37b New!

VERY RARE and historic specimen of crystalline Native Gold on altered Rhyolite with Quartz matrix!
A very rich specimen of Native Gold from a locality that is tied to one of the most famous ghost towns
in America - Rhyolite, Nevada! The photo above shows the brilliant Gold dendrites which are bright in
color and very lustrous. The matrix is typical to the Bullfrog District and matches the material I've
personally dug many times while exploring the Rhyolite area. This specimen dates to the early 1900s
and was displayed in the Beatty Exchange Club
for years until it was donated to the Keck Museum.
I've only seen three specimens of Gold from the Rhyolite District and two of those are in this update.
From near Rhyolite, Bullfrog District, Nye County, Nevada.
Total specimen weight is 108.3 grams.
Measures 5 cm by 3.8 cm by 5 cm in total size.

Ex. Beatty Club, Marcus Johnston, W. M. Keck Museum Collections
Price $5500

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Denver2013-105FerberiteQuartz67mm.jpg (286235 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-38 New!

Aesthetic combination featuring Quartz crystals with a Ferberite blade!
The Ferberite is perfectly terminated with an intense rolling luster that streams from one
striation to the next down the length of the crystal. It sits perched atop a cluster of at least
half a dozen terminated Quartz crystals with an attached smaller Ferberite to the lower left.
The eye appeal of this specimen is dazzling and the Quartz crystals are super clear and glassy.
There are some small bumps along some of the tips but these get lost in the flash of the cluster.

These specimens have become very scarce in recent years. This is from an older collection.
From the Kara-Oba W deposit, Betpakdala Desert, Karagandy Province, Kazakhstan.
Measures 4.2 cm by 7.4 cm by 3.6 cm in total size.

Price $1850

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Denver2011-5LRSilverPeru.jpg (252420 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-39 New!

This is truely an EXCEPTIONAL specimen of Peruvian Native Wire Silver on matrix!
Peruvian Silvers hit the market about ten years ago and they really came on strong and heavy
at the time. Unfortunately, I didn't find very many with the aesthetical quality of this well known
specimen. The piece was photographed by Jeff Scovil at the time for publication and it was named
the Cobra for obvious reasons. Unlike so many Peruvian Silvers, these wires are thick and clean.
The luster is also very impressive. I consider this one of the finest Silvers to come out of the find.
From a private collection, this is the second appearance of this fine specimen on the website!
From the Uchucchacua mine, Oyon Province, Lima Department, Peru.
Measures 5 cm by 6.5 cm by 5.2 cm in total size with a "snake-like" 3.5 cm curl of Wire Silver.

Ex. Kevin Ward Mineral Collection
Price $9500

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Denver2013-90QuartzChloriteMtIdaAK28cm.jpg (266243 bytes)

MIN#Denver2013-40 New!

Large, impressive cluster of Milky Quartz crystals with green Chlorite inclusions!
This is the largest Milky Quartz I've ever seen from Mt. Ida and honestly, I haven't seen very many
as most that are found there are transparent, colorless rock crystal. The huge point on the left measures
21 cm in length while the crystal point on the right measures nearly 26 cm! Nestled between the huge
points are numerous smaller crystals and these are present on the back side as well. The left crystal
changes over to a nearly transparent Quartz near the top termination but the right crystal is all Milky
with a wonderful glassy luster covering the white cream surfaces where the Chlorite is not present.
There also appears to be a scepter or attempt at forming a scepter just below the termination.
From Mt Ida, Montgomery County, Arkansas.
Measures 23 cm by 28 cm by 22.4 cm in total size.

Ex. Kevin Ward Mineral Collection
Price $2850

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