The Silver Showrooms

* Updated June 15th, 2022 *


Superb plate of super lustrous Pyrargyrite crystals with Calcite on matrix!
One of the finest I've seen from St. Andreasberg recently and one that has an impressive
provenance as well. The Pyrargyrite crystal grouping is incredibly sharp, undamaged, and
lustrous. It also still displays an amazing amount of red for a specimen of its age! Note the
reddish color of the crystals in the bottom close up when exposed to a direct light. These large
crystals each measure over 1 cm cm in size and are mirror-reflective and brilliant. I love this
classic specimen and can highly recommend it to anyone who is a Silver mineral collector!
Locality: St. Andreasberg, Harz Mountains, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Measures: 7 cm by 7 cm by 5.4 cm in total size.

Ex. Bosch Collection - Smithsonian, Lidstrom, Groben Mineral Collections
Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $9500

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Classic specimen of Native Wire Silver with Acanthite accenting!
I love the shape of this specimen because it resembles a gnarled old tree. I'm a collector of
all fine Silvers but those with a tree-like appearance are always special and highly sought after.
This specimen displays a beautiful antique patina atop thick, robust wires. This is the old style
of Freiberg Silvers which date back to the early or mid 1800's. Very impressive miniature.
Locality: Himmelsfurst Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany.
Measures: 6 cm by 3.8 cm by 2.6 cm in total size.

Price $4500

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Exceptional specimen of Native Silver crystals in cluster atop small amounts of Native Copper!
Very well crystallized specimen, displaying numerous well formed crystals of Native Silver branching our
from the base and climbing upwards atop one another. All are terminated with rounded terminations and
the surfaces are highly lustrous with a light greyish patina. The look of this specimen reminds me somewhat
of the spoked Cerussite clusters and is the second Native Silver I've offered on the website with that structure.
Locality: Kearsarge Mine, Kearsarge, Houghton County, Michigan.
Measures: 4 cm by 5.7 cm by 2.7 cm in total size.

Ex. Barnett, Kevin Ward Mineral Collections
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base
Price $6500

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Impressive large cabinet sized centerpiece specimen of lustrous Acanthite crystals atop a white Quartz covered matrix!
Dozens and dozens of sharp Acanthite crystals measuring to 2.1 cm sit atop a bed of Quartz crystals on hard rock matrix.
This is an incredibly rich specimen but also one that is incredibly aesthetic. It has been professionally  trimmed and is free
of contacts. The Acanthites are rounded and hoppered as they form a seam that winds its way across the entire surface.
Locality: Fresnillo de González Echeverría (Fresnillo), Fresnillo Municipality, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures: 11.2 cm by 17 cm by 9.3 cm in total size.
Price $12,500

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Exceptional and rare specimen featuring fine Native Silver dendrites with purple Fluorite!
A very rich and super impressive Silver specimen from the mining district of the Northwest Territories in Canada.
The silver is all crystallized, in an incredibly intricate herringbone form. Rare with Fluorite. These came out in the 1940s-1950s.
Locality: El Bonanza Mine, Port Radium District, Great Bear Lake, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Measures: 6.7 cm by 6 cm by 2.1 cm in total size.
Ex. Kevin Ward, G. Bentley Mineral Collections
Comes with a custom made, labeled display base
Price $12,500



Classic and very rare specimen of lustrous gray Acanthite crystals with Chalcopyrite on matrix!
The largest crystal in the middle measures 1.8 cm in length! The remainder of this very rich
Silver Sulfide is covered with smaller Acanthites and patches of iridescent Chalcopyrite.
Locality: Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories, Canada.
(This locality was discovered in 1900 and mined as a source of Silver and Radium in the 1930's.
It was dewatered in 1976 and mined again for its Silver and Copper reserves before closing for
good in 1982. The mine and its settlement were destroyed by fire and no longer exist today.)
Measures: 4.7 cm by 5.2 cm in size. Circa 1930's.

Ex. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences Collection
Ex. Kevin Ward, G. Bentley Mineral Collections

Comes with a custom made acrylic stand
Price $9500



Impressive combination Polybasite crystals with Acanthite amd Quartz!
This amazing miniature came to light during the show and I acquired it with my other
Silver specimens. The Polybasite crystals are complete and the crystal form is very distinct
in contrast to the more rounded and lustrous gray Acanthite crystals. In excellent condition.
Locality: San Juan de Rayas Mine, Guanajuato, Mun. de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Measures: 4.8 cm by 7.3 cm by 3.2 cm in total size.

Price $1850

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Large, stout crystals of Polybasite and Acanthite with white Calcite scalenahedrons!
This lovely specimen would catch the eye of most collectors, especially those who love Silvers. Large
blades of lustrous Polybasite measuring to 4.5 cm sit vertically side by side along with smaller Acanthite
crystals. This very 3-dimensional display is further highlighted by tiny Quartz micro-crystals which add
sparkle along the sides in addition to small Calcites. A dazzling display with no detractions or damage.
Locality: Fresnillo de González Echeverría (Fresnillo), Fresnillo Municipality, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures: 5.4 cm by 4 cm by 3.5 cm in total size.

Price $2850

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Artistic specimen of Native Wire Silver with Acanthite!
This fine specimen is from the world famous Kongsberg locality and it has all the presence
of a much larger Silver at a reduced size. The wires have a lovely antiquish patina and a good
bit of surface luster. They are intermingled with small crystals of Acanthite which can be seen
scattered atop the numerous twists and curls. This is a wonderful Silver at an excellent price.
From the Kongsberg Silver Mining District, Svene, Flesberg, Buskerud, Norway.
Mined circa 1800's - Measures 4.7 cm by 3 cm by .7 cm in total size.
Ex. Precht, Kalaskie Mineral Collections
Price $6850

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Visually stunning specimen featuring an Acanthite crystal cluster sitting atop a bed of Quartz!
I choose this specimen for its stark contrast between the dark grey Acanthite and bright white
quartz crystals. Another cool feature is the Quartz crystal mound to the right of the Acanthite
cluster which is perfectly matched sizewise. Just a really neat specimen and it's damage free.
Locality: San Juan de Rayas Mine, Guanajuato, Mun. de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Measures: 5 cm by 8.1 cm by 3.1 cm in total size.

Price $985

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Large, lustrous crystal of Acanthite ps after Argentite!
We acquired a collection of this very large, super lustrous Acanthite crystals while in Denver
and they are quite the sight to see. Most if not all display some hoppering indicating a very quick
formation as the Acanthite pseudomorphed the higher temperature Argentite. Exceptional crystal!
From Fresnillo de Gonzalez Echeverria (Fresnillo), Mun. de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures 3.7 cm by 2.8 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Price $2500

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Extremely rare specimen of Native Silver wires with Galena on layered matrix!
There are numerous patches of Native Silver wires atop and between the layered matrix and some
display wires of good thickness like the wires near the bottom. This is a very rich specimen and one
of the finest examples I've encountered from the Broken Hill locality. They are so rare that I only
come across one every few years or so and this is by far the largest plate (cabinet sized) I've seen.
From Browne's Shaft, Junction Mine, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales, Australia.
Measures 10.7 cm by 8.4 cm by 3.5 cm in total size.

Ex. Milton Lavers Mineral Collection
Price $4500

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Super fine specimen of crystalline Native Silver with white Calcite!
This specimen is crystalline dendritic form in all its wonder and glory. It's incredibly aesthetic
and the sharp crystal dendrites are some of the best I've seen recently from this classic locality.
From the White Pine Mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan.

Measures 3.5 cm by 4 cm by .8 cm in total size.

Ex. LaBerge Mineral Collection
Price $1500

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Lustrous leaf of Native Silver with Acanthites on Native Silver!
This is a fascinating Native Silver and essentially a two-sided specimen. The large Native Silver leaf juts out from the main
Silver portion, displaying beautifully textured and brilliantly lustrous surfaces. On the backside (or front side if you prefer) are
Acanthite crystalline balls along the bottom, just below the leaf. A great looking Silver from a lesser seen and rarer Cobalt mine.
From the Hellens-Eplett Mine, Bucke Township, Cobalt area, Cobalt-Gowganda region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 5 cm by 4.3 cm by 4.8 cm in total size.

Ex. Jahfrey Mineral Collection
Price $1850

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Stunning specimen of lustrous Acanthites atop a Quartz crystal cluster!
At least a dozen Acanthites are featuring here atop a bed Quartz crystals on white Quartz matrix.
The Acanthites measures to 1.2 cm in size and display brilliant, lustrous surfaces. In excellent condition.
Locality: Fresnillo de González Echeverría (Fresnillo), Fresnillo Municipality, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures: 5.4 cm by 7.2 cm by 4.5 cm in total size.

Price $1850

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Impressive specimen featuring sharp, lustrous crystals of Polybasite!
This specimen is basically all Polybasite crystals! Numerous well formed, reflective blades
sit atop one another, forming one of the better Polybasite clusters I've seen recently. The
largest crystals along the very top measure 2 cm in size and most are well over 1 cm in size.
A photo can't capture just how incredibly lustrous this specimen is. In nearly pristine condition.
From Guanajuato, Mun. de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Measures 4.1 cm by 3.3 cm by 2.7 cm in total size.

Ex. Ben de Wit Mineral Collection
Price $1850

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Classic specimen featuring thick Native Silver crystalline dendrites!
A superb, spinel-twinned Silver crystal, 4.6 cm in length, flares into a flag shape at its termination on this superb matrix miniature.
Several spinel twin crystals come off the main crystal at an angle, imparting a "herringbone" effect. This Silver is definitely competition
quality and stands among the top quality of specimens in its size class for Batopilas with a unique style. Note that this is NOT from the
more modern finds of the 1980s because those were much thinner and fragile. This older, more robust style came out in several finds
dating back to near 1910, though it is impossible to say from which one this came now. A very impressive, lustrous, and sturdy miniature.
From the New Nevada Mine, Batopilas, Andres del Rio District, Mun. de Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Measures 4.5 cm by 2.5 cm by 2.1 cm in total size.

Price $2500

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Amazing specimen featuring a Native Copper halfbreed with a vug of Native Silver crystals!
At first glance this appears to be a typical Copper-Silver halfbreed nugget with no crystallization
whatsoever. However, when you turn the specimen over, a Silver crystal filled vug appears. I
count about a dozen freestanding crystals filling the vug. I've never seen another piece like this.
The contrast between the vertical Silver crystals and the rounded Copper surfaces is stunning.
From the Copper Mining District, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.
Measures 5.5 cm by 7.2 cm by 3.3 cm in total size.
Ex. Ken Hollmann Memorial Collection, Center Rutland, Vermont
Price $6500

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Sharp crystals of Acanthite and curling Native Silver wires!
Both Silver minerals sit atop a matrix of Quartz with Quartz crystal sprays.
The Acanthite crystals are so incredibly sharp and lustrous that at first glance, one
might not even notice the small "ram's horn" Silver located on the far right side of
the specimen! Acanthite and Silver combos from Mexico are rarely seen at the shows.
From the Reyes Mine in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Measures 5 cm by 3 cm by 2.5 cm in total size.

Price $2850

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Cobalt rarity! Native Silver wires on Quartz in matrix!
Wires of Native Silver are extremely rare from the Cobalt Region and I've only
seen a handful of specimens in the past decade or two. These wires are popping out
from the Quartz seam that runs between the layers of matrix and wires are visible on
both sides of the specimen. The weight of this piece is quite heavy, indicating a large
amount of Silver in running through the Quartz. There are wires present on both sides.
From the Penn Canadian Mine (Glen Lake Mine), Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming Dist., Ontario, Canada.
Measures 8.2 cm by 5.4 cm by 3 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection
Price $1500

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Attractive specimen featuring fine crystals of Acanthite and Chalcopyrite on Quartz atop Silver-rich matrix!
I love the look of this specimen with the fine cubes of Acanthite and bright golden Chalcopyrite sitting inside
what is probably a Quartz lined pocket that has been opened and exposed. These crystals sit atop a matrix
that is quite rich and full of Silver mineralization. They are bright and lustrous with sharp crystal habits.
From the Proano Mine, Fresnillo, Mun. de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Measures 6.3 cm by 7.5 cm by 4.8 cm in total size.

Price $1500

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Fine crystals, wires, and dendritics of Native Silver in Calcitic matrix!
This is part of a small batch of Silver with Acanthite from recent workings at the old Balcoll Mine.
The Balcoll Mine was worked by the Romans for Silver ore for many decades and it is still a good source
of fine Silver specimens. This was one of the best combinations of the find in terms of sheer crystal number!
From the Balcoll Mine, Falset, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
Measures 6 cm by 4.5 cm by 2.8 cm in total size.

Price $1500

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Classic specimen of Acanthite crystals with Pyrargyrite on Calcitic matrix!
This is amazing rich specimen which is literally covered from top to bottom with Silver minerals and
well defined Acanthite crystals (see close up) which are highly lustrous and surrounded by light brown
Calcite matrix. They measures to .5 cm in size and form a very dense seam of crystals atop the back
side of the specimen. For this reason, this is a specimen that could be displayed from either side.
From the Sarbaiskoe Deposit (Sarbai Mine; Sarbay Mine), Rudny, Kostanay Province, Kazakhstan.
Measures 5.7 cm by 6.8 cm by 3.7 cm in total size.

Price $2450

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Tremendously rich specimen of Native Silver leaves and dendrites in and on white Quartz matrix!
This is a heavy cabinet sized specimen that is literally a block of Native Silver. Large leaves can be seen to the top left
and these change over to a large mesh of Silver mixed with fine dendrites. the specimen is covered by Silver on all sides,
including the bottom and displays a handwritten label on the back side which reads Brady Lake, Silver Miller, Cobalt. This
locality was mined in the 1947-1950's period to recover ores beneath the lake and produced over 7,000,000 ounces of Silver!
From the Silver Miller Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 10.5 cm by 13.7 cm by 8.3 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection
Price $2850

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VERY RARE! An amazing old classic from Arizona featuring lustrous crystals of Native Silver on both sides!
This is a very rare specimen of crystalline Native Silver and Silver leaf on a matrix richly impregnated with Silver. Circa 1880's, it's from the famous
Silver King Mine in Arizona. The Silver has incredible luster, both bright and with excellent patina. The Silver King Mine was discovered in 1873
and was depleted by 1888. This small cab also has an equally rich history, having been in both the Gathenye and Schwethelm collections previously.
This is a fine piece for an Arizona and or Silver mineral collection. Specimens from this locality rarely become available so opportunity knock here!

From the
Silver King Mine, Comstock Wash, Pinal Mts, Pinal County, Arizona.
Measures 6.8 cm by 5.7 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Ex. Herb Obodda, Godehard Schwethelm, A. Gathenye Collections
Price $4500

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Beautifully crystalline and dendritic specimen of Native Silver on Calcite matrix!
This specimen is completely crystalline with numerous dendrites and spinel-twins rising upwards
from the entirety of its surface. Many of the crystals branching out from the lower matrix are quite large
and measure to nearly 4 cm with a lovely antiquish patina covering the lustrous lengths. Very impressive!
From Batopilas, Andres del Rio District, Mun. de Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Measures 5.8 cm by 3.8 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Ex. Charles Noll Collection

Price $895

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Fine plate of dendritic Native Silver on Native Arsenic matrix!
I haven't offered one of these specimens in a while because it's so difficult to find a good one that I like.
This plate has excellent form and many of the isolated herringbone look that I prefer with a rich coverage.

From the Pöhla-Tellerhäuser Mine, Pöhla, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany.
Measures 7.2 cm by 9 cm by 5.7 cm in total size.

Ex. Phillips Mineral Collection
Price $1500

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Fine wires and crystals of Native Silver and Acanthite in Calcitic matrix!
This is part of a small batch of Silvers specimens from recent workings at the old Balcoll Mine.
The Balcoll Mine was worked by the Romans for Silver ore for many decades and it is still a good source
of fine Silver specimens. This was one of the best wire and crystalline dendrite specimens that I acquired!
From the Balcoll Mine, Falset, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
Measures 4.2 cm by 2.3 cm by 2.6 cm in total szie.

Price $985



Classic old timer featuring sharp Acanthite cubes on Pyrite druse perched atop Quartz crystals!
This is a very rare specimen the likes of which I have never seen before. It dates to the 1800's and features
a perfectly terminated Quartz crystal topped by a sparkling coating of micro-crystalline Pyrite and super
sharp Acanthite cubes. The Acanthites measure to .3 cm in size and display lustrous gray surfaces.
From Banská Štiavnica (Schemnitz), Banská Štiavnica Co., Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia.
Measures 8.4 cm by 6.5 cm by 6.4 cm in total size.

Ex. Huber Mineral Collection

Price $3250

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Richly covered specimen of Native Silver leaves and dendrites with Quartz from Cobalt!
This specimen is almost completely Silver with just a small amount of bright white Quartz remaining.
It was etched from a larger matrix of white Quartz and exposed the solid Silver seam along with numerous
Silver dendrites along the middle portion of the specimen. From a mine that I don't often see specimens from.
Locality: Nipissing Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda region, Timiskaming Dist., Ontario, Canada.
Measures: 6 cm by 8.5 cm by 4 cm in total size.

Price $2450

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Brilliant crystals of Native Silver and Acanthite atop Quartz covered matrix!
Very rich specimen which is covered both top and bottom with dozens of Silver and Acanthite crystals.
Locality: Batopilas, Andres del Rio District, Mun. de Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Measures: 3 cm by 4 cm by 1.7 cm in total size.

Price $895

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Exceptional old classic featuring Native Silver wires with Acanthite, Calcite, and Siderite!
A choice small cabinet display piece, featuring an unusually well preserved pocket of Native Wire Silver and Acanthite ps after wires of Silver.
The dense nest of wires now has the lustrous, dark patina of the Acanthite, as they twist and turn their way among the Calcite and tan Siderite
crystals. Aesthetic, this fine old piece is better in person, where you can fully appreciate the thickness and curvature of the wires. From the famous
Freiberg District in Saxony, Germany, and once in the Mineral Museum of Humboldt University, Berlin. Historical piece from the early 1800s.
From the Himmelsfürst Mine, Brand-Erbisdorf, Freiberg, Mittelsachsen, Saxony, Germany.
Measures 8.2 cm by 6 cm by 3.2 cm in total size.

Ex. Kay Robertson Mineral Collection
Price $4500

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Rich seam of crystalline Silver in white Calcite between layers of host matrix!
This interesting specimen is from the Kongsberg Mining District and it displays
the famous Silver with Calcite combination as a different presentation. The horizontal
seam extends through both sides and exhibits dendrites, leaves, and wires its entire length.
Locality: Kongsberg Silver Mining District, Buskerud, Norway.
Measures: 4.3 cm by 8.3 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Price $985

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Fine, lustrous crystals of Native Silver wires and crystals with Sphalerite in A Quartz vug!
A very rich plate with a heavy coverage of Silver crystals and dendrites inside a sparkling, concave
Quartz matrix vug. This is a very aesthetic specimen with great presentation and minimal contacting.
Locality: Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic.
Measures: 5.2 cm by 7 cm by 3.3 cm in total size.

Comes with original handwritten label from the 1800s

Price $1500

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Fine specimen of Native Wire Silver atop a matrix of massive Silver!
This aesthetic specimen is from the obscure Shaft #66 in Schlema. I'm told that this shaft is
actually located near the center of town and that specimens from there are quite rare. The wires rise
up from a matrix that is mostly massive Silver and thin wires intertwined with small bits of Calcite.
The wires that stand upwards are more like knarled ropes and they are all very stable.  There has
been some professional stablization done to add additional strength to the wires. In excellent shape.
From Shaft #66, Schlema, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany.
Measures 5 cm by 7.4 cm by 4.2 cm in total size.

Ex. Wolfgang Wendel, Kevin Ward Mineral Collections

Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $4250

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Large crystal of Native Silver sitting high atop Epidote covered matrix!
Also with white Quartz, the sharp 1.5 cm Silver crystal sits isolated and aesthetically
atop the green Epidote and orange colored Microcline. I must admit this is a locality that
I am not familiar with and only has six photos under its listing. Definately rare.
Locality: Nebraska Mine, Mass City, Ontonagon Co., Michigan.
Measures: 4.2 cm by 3.5 cm by 4 cm in total size.

Ex. Jahfrey Mineral Collection
Price $1450

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Denver2016-112SilverCobaltAreaCanada95mm.jpg (354193 bytes)


Very rich specimen featuring a seam filled with and covered by numerous leaves of Native Silver!
The seam is exposed on both sides and leaf Silver can be seen jutting out from the seam along its
entire length. This a specimen from the classic Cobalt Mining District and the weight is quite
impressive attesting to the density of Silver. Turning the specimen over, one can see numerous
layers of Native Silver inside the Calcite seam along with some associated Acanthite and Quartz
crystals. I also see some rainbow iridescence atop the Native Silver. This specimen is super rich!
From the Cobalt area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 7.5 cm by 8.2 cm by 4.8 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection
Price $1450



Rare specimen of the Silver bearing Mineral Freibergite on Pyrite from Colorado!
Sharp, highly lustrous triangular crystals of Freibergite sit atop the golden Pyrite. This is
a very rich specimen from the old Eagle Mine which is now closed and surrounded by an
abandoned mining ghost town which is visible just below Highway 24 on the drive south to
Leadville. The Gilman Mine closed in 1981 and the townsite is now off limits to collecting.
Locality: Eagle Mine, Gilman, Gilman District, Eagle County, Colorado.
Measures: 3.3 cm by 2.1 cm by 2.3 cm in total size.

Price $785



Tremendous plate featuring fine dendrites of Native Silver with Acanthite and Safflorite accenting!
This is a wonderful display piece from the classic Cobalt Mining District and is literally covered from one
end to the other with large dendritic structures of Native Silver. A peppering of grey Safflorite covers much of the
dendrites as does Acanthite drusy. This is incredible rich specimen and the display is beautifully presented atop white
Calcite covered surface. Much more impressive in person due to the difficulty of photographing sparkling surfaces.
From the Castle Mine, Haultain Township, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 10.2 cm by 12.5 cm by 3.9 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection
Price $3500



Amazing large plate featuring lustrous, distinctive dendrites of Native Silver with a large nodule of Feldspar!
The brilliant Silver dendrites sit inside a surface matrix of Acanthite and Quartz over a base matrix of Greenstone.
The large moonstone-like crystal to the lower left is an amazing addition the likes of which I've not seen before.
From the Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming Dist., Ontario, Canada.
Measures 14.7 cm by 16.2 cm by 3.2 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection

Price $1500

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Super rich plate featuring lustrous, incredibly distinctive dendrites of Native Silver in matrix!
The brilliant Silver dendrites sit inside a surface matrix of Acanthite and Quartz over a base matrix of Greenstone.
The large moonstone-like crystal seen along the far right is quite interesting and the Silver dendrites are so pronounced
that they almost appear to be almost luminescent against the dark matrix. The surface of the matrix has been carefully
etched using a process that makes the Silver dendrites raised in relief against the surrounding surfaces. Very unique!
From the Mann Mine (Manridge), Milner Township, Gowganda area, Cobalt-Gowganda region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 10.3 cm by 9.9 cm by 2 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection

Price $1285

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Super rich plate featuring lustrous, distinctive dendrites of Native Silver in matrix!
The brilliant Silver dendrites sit inside a surface matrix of Acanthite and Quartz over a base matrix of Greenstone.
The Silver dendrites are so pronounced and bold that they almost appear to be luminescent against the dark matrix.
From the Nipissing Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt area, Cobalt-Gowganda region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada.
Measures 7.7 cm by 5.1 cm by 1.2 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection

Price $685



Super rich, large cabinet plate featuring lustrous, distinctive dendrites of Native Silver in matrix!
The brilliant Silver dendrites sit inside a surface matrix of Acanthite and Quartz over a base matrix of Greenstone.
The large moonstone-like crystals seen along the far right are quite interesting and the Silver dendrites are so pronounced
that they almost appear to be almost luminescent against the dark matrix. The surface of the matrix has been carefully
etched using a process that makes the Silver dendrites raised in relief against the surrounding surfaces. Very unique!
Special note: This large plate also featuring leave of Native Silver along the back side.
From the Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming Dist., Ontario, Canada.
Measures 10.2 cm by 21.3 cm by 1.6 cm in total size.

Ex. Bishop Mineral Collection

Price $1450

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Roman coin hoard from France (former Roman Gaul)!
Technically not a mineral specimen but still a mineral! This small hoard of Antoniani was discovered in Roman Gaul,
now modern day France, and consists of 3rd century Roman coins, most of which feature the Roman usurper Emperor
Postumus. Postumus was a Roman naval commander whose soldiers named Emperor of Roman Gaul, Britannia, Hispania,
and parts of Germania. Due to internal difficulties, the actual Roman Emperor Gallienus was unable to gather the army
required to remove Postumus and restore central Roman authority. Postumus ruled his "Gallic Empire" for ten years
until his own men assassinated him in 269 AD. Eventually the rebellious provinces were retaken by Rome. These coins
are in excellent condition with full details and strong surface luster. This is a great looking collection and very historical.
Antoniani (Antoninianus) is a larger Roman coin that is the equivilent of 2 Denarii and is called the "double Denarius".
From a hoard discovered in France.

Price $2500

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