* Updated March 19th, 2025 *

MIN#Tucson2024-26 NEW!

Rare combination of Aquamarine crystals with orange Calcite on Muscovite!
I can count the number of Aquamarine with Calcite specimens I've seen from Pakistan on just
one hand. I've seen far more Aquamarine with Fluorite and Apatites combos than one with
Calcite crystals. The orange Calcites at the top measure 3.3 cm by 2.2 in size. They sit high
atop a bed of fine Muscovite blades and are surrounded by gemmy blue Aquamarine crystals.
The color contrast between the Calcites and Aquas is gorgeous but the entire plate is very
aesthetic and presents itself beautifully as it sits upright without the use of a base or stand.
Locality: Chumar Bakhoor, Nagar District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
Measures: 14.7 cm by 11.3 cm by 7.8 cm in size.

Price $4850

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MIN#Tucson2024-27 NEW!

NEW FIND! Amazing combination of Dioptase with Shattuckite, Calcite and SILVER crystals and leaves!
I have never seen a Silver on Dioptase specimen before until this show where this incredible new find
just appeared for the first time. The Diopside crystals here are spinkled with numerous Silver crystals,
top to bottom. Calcite rhombs can be seen at the very top with blue Shattuckite as well. Unique and rare!
Locality: Gautala, Mindouli District, Pool Department, Republic of the Congo.
Measures: 10.5 cm by 10.2 cm by 4.8 cm in size.
Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $8500

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MIN#Tucson2024-28 NEW!

Super lustrous specimen of Arsenian Pyromorphite!
This is a dazzling specimen with a blinding luster and incredibly brilliant orange surfaces.
It's one of the finest Arsenian Pyromorphite miniatures I've seen in years and one that is
also very clean and free of surface blemishes which tend to be commonplace on these lovely
specimens. This a a pure orange Pyromorphite with very little bi-coloration, displaying a rolling
botryoidal layer draped atop large Pyromorphite crystals which still display their form beneath.
Locality: Bunker Hill Mine, Kellogg, Coeur d'Alene District, Shoshone County, Idaho.
Measures: 7 cm by 8.5 cm by 6.8 cm in size.

Price $4500

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MIN#Tucson2024-29 NEW!

Incredibly rare specimen of Pink and Golden Calcite crystals with Galena and Dolomite!
This is the first of these rare Tri-State specimens that I've seen in nearly 30 years. Pink
Calcites from Joplin are almost never seen in the marketplace and only come to light when
older collections are dispersed, as this one was. I've seen more Pink Calcites from Webb City
than I have from Joplin and there is only one photo of a Pink Calcite from this locality on the
mindat.org website. This specimen feature two Pink Calcites, attached, with the smaller of
the two standing vertically atop the horizontal crystal at the base. In the background, there
are two large Galena cubes, both highly lustrous, sitting atop pink Dolomite covered matrix
with Chalcopyrite in association. A simply amazing specimen. The bottom Calcite is cleaved
in the back where it was long ago separated from its matrix. Both crystals are glassy and
lustrous with minimal detractions or contacting. This is an American classic centerpiece.
Locality: Joplin Field, Joplin, Tri-State District, Jasper County, Missouri.
Measures: 16 cm by 13.3 cm by 7.5 cm in size.
Ex. George Witter Collection
Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $8500

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MIN#Tucson2024-30 NEW!

Large gem crystals of Beryl var. Emerald with Biotite Mica in Quartz!
These amazing Emerald specimens came to market during the Denver Show 2009 and I was impressed with what
I saw at the time. They have great Emerald color, being colored by Chromium like their Colombian counterparts,
and most were 3 cm in length with some measuring up to 8 cm! This is a cluster of moderately intergrown crystals
of dark green Emerald with crystals to 4 cm in length. The crystals on this piece are gemmy, lustrous and terminated
by the pinacoid form (flat tops). In excellent condition with superb color contrast between the black Mica and Quartz.
Locality: Kagem Emerald Mine, Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Measures: 5.2 cm by 7 cm by 3 cm in total size.

Price $6500

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MIN#Tucson2024-31 NEW!

Rare specimen of Native Sulfur crystals with a large Selenite var Gypsum crystal on Aragonite matrix!
This is a classic combination from the long closed mines in Sicily, Italy. It displays numerous translucent
crystals of Native Sulfur atop the Aragonite matrix. In the center sits a large, terminated 6 cm Gypsum
displaying incredibly striated surfaces atop a fully transparent interior. A combination with this quality of
glassy-lustrous Gypsum crystal is super rare and this aesthetic specimen is also beautifully preserved.
Locality: Cozzo Disi Mine (Cozzodisi Mine), Casteltermini, Agrigento Province, Sicily, Italy.
Measures: 9.3 cm by 7.2 cm by 4.8 cm in size.

Price $2850

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MIN#Tucson2024-32 NEW!

Exquisitite Native Wire Silver with Acanthite crystals on Quartz specimen from Central Canada!
This is an extremely rich specimen of Native Silver in the form of thick wires and Acanthite crystals
The Highland Bell Mine is located in British Columbia, Canada and rarely produces specimens of this
calibre. Keep in mind that this is a cabinet sized specimen and in my opinion is far superior to all
the specimens currently displayed on mindat.org. I've not seen a better plate and definately not
one that included both Silver wires and Acanthite in such a large setting. An amazing specimen.

Locality: Highland Bell Mine, Beaverdell, Greenwood Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada.
Measures: 8.5 cm by 12.3 cm by 5.2 cm in size.

Ex. Harvey Gordon Collection
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base

Price $12,500

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MIN#Tucson2024-33 NEW!

Aesthetic combination featuring bright yellow Fluorite set atop a large bi-colored Calcite!
Lovely mix of minerals and colors, the glassy yellow Fluorite cubes are set atop a recess in the
large, Hematite included Calcite with is also doubly terminated. The brown inclusions are mostly
along the bottom termination but are also seen along the sides, creating a unique two-toned effect.
Locality: Moscona Mine, Solís, Corvera de Asturias, Villabona mining area, Asturias, Spain.
Measures: 8.6 cm by 7.8 cm by 7.2 cm in total size.

Price $985

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MIN#Tucson2024-34 NEW!

Gorgeous gemmy blue Aquamarine perched between Schorl Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz with Albite!
This specimen is visually gorgeous with a large vertical deep blue Aquamarine crystal sitting alongside
gemmy Smoky Quartz crystals and accented by a black, glassy-surfaced Schorl Tourmaline on the left.
Locality: Erongo Mountain, Erongo Region, Namibia.
Measures: 5.2 cm by 5.7 cm by 4.3 cm in size.
Ex. Bahmann Collection

Price $2850

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MIN#Tucson2024-35 NEW!

Lovely blades of cherry-red Rhodonite in cluster!
This is a beautiful Rhodonite and one of the best I've seen in regards to the size
of the blades. The color is rich and the edges are sharp. Although it's difficult to
capture in a picture, the surfaces are extremely glassy with an intense rolling luster
atop every surface, front and back. The specimen is very 3 dimensional, with its blades
resembling the petals of a flower or red rose from both sides of the matrix. Very aesthetic!
Locality: Morro da Mina mine, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Measures: 6 cm by 6 cm by 5.2 cm in size.

Price $3450

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MIN#Tucson2024-36 NEW!

Beautiful combination of orange Wulfenite blades with white Barite on Mimetite!
This is a San Francisco Mine specimen and it features the three minerals this classic locality
is famous for. Fine Wulfenite blades measuring to nearly 2 cm sit atop a matrix covered by
orange botryoidal Mimetite. This is topped off by fine blades of white Barite and the visual
contrast is beautiful. There are some incomplete Wulfenite blades along the periphery and
this is normal for specimens from this locality. The main blades are all complete however,
and overall the specimen is in very good condition. The thin Barite blades are all complete.
Interestingly, the San Francisco was originally opened as a gold mine in the late 1800's.
From the San Francisco Mine, Cerro Prieto, Cucurpe, Mun. de Cucurpe, Sonora, Mexico.
Measures 6.4 cm by 5.7 cm by 5.3 cm in total size.

Price $785

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MIN#Tucson2024-37 NEW!

Exceptional large plate featuring numerous gemmy Neryl var. Heliodor crystals on Muscovite!
Gorgeous, transparent crystals of greenish-yellow Heliodor crystals set snugly among a plate of
bronze Muscovite blades. They measure 6 cm in size or larger and are complete with some slight
etching, mainly on the back side. This is the first of these large gem Beryl specimen that I've seen in
years and rarely do they come with such glassy faces and complete crystal faces. In excellent condition.

Locality: Itatiaia Mine, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Measures: 16 cm by 18.3 cm by 8 cm in size.

Price $15,000

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MIN#Tucson2024-38 NEW!

Gemmy crystals of deep pink Rose Quartz sitting alongside white Quartz!
This was the finest example of Rose Quartz I saw at the show and it's one of the best I've
offered in years. The cluster of gemmy crystals along the left side is absolutely gorgeous and
very impressive, consisting of dozens of sharp, perfectly terminated pink crystals. It climbs over
the white Quartz and extends to the back side as well. The specimen has great depth as well,
giving it a 3 dimensional appearance with Rose Quartz crystals filling the ravine between the
rosy pink crystals and the rising edge of the white Quartz to their right. In excellent condition.
Locality: Pittorra Claim, Laranjeiras, Galileia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Measures: 7.3 cm by 8.5 cm by 6.3 cm in size.
Ex. Keith Hammond Collection

Price $3850

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MIN#Tucson2024-39 NEW!

Large glassy crystals of olive-green Fluorapatite with Siderite on Muscovite!
Three thick crystals of Fluorapatite are situated atop the Siderite and Muscovite.
They are incredibly glassy with darker centers surrounded by green edges, imparting a
zoned appearance to each crystal. The largest measures 3.2 cm in width. In excellent shape.
Locality: Panasqueira Mines, Portugal.
Measures: 6.6 cm by 5.7 cm by 4.2 cm in size.
Ex. Arrington Collection
Price $895

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MIN#Tucson2024-40 NEW!

Stunningly beautiful combination of Golden Calcites with lavender Fluorites and reddish-orange Realgar!
This is a new find from Balochistan and is one of the richest covered of these amazing combos that I've
been able to acquire. There are several Calcites, all of which display double terminations as they site atop
a matrix which is mostly covered with zoned lavender Fluorite cubes. The entire center portion of the
Fluorite is covered and possibly included with a reddish-orange layer of Realgar crystals which is something
I've only seen recently appearing from this locality. The visual impact of these colors is incredible and all
three are very rich. I consider this to be the finest of the small collection I've seen. The top Calcite measures
11.5 cm with a full termination. The left side  11+ cm Calcite displays a rehealed cleavage at its tip. Very nice!
Locality: Loralai District, Balochistan Region, Pakistan.
Measures: 24 cm by 16 cm by 11.3 cm in size.

Price $3500

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MIN#Tucson2024-41 NEW!

Glowing cabinet plate of golden-orange Fluorite with Quartz from Germany!
Beautiful specimen featuring an unusual color which can best be described as golden-brown
with a touch of orange. The Fluorite cubes are highly lustrous and glassy with translucent
interiors. There are scattered Quartz accents and what appears to be blades of Barite. The back
side displays a dark purple Fluorite and the entire matrix is a mix of rock and Fluorite.
Very nice!
Locality: Hermine Mine, Lissenthan, Nabburg, Schwandorf District, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany.
Measures: 8.7 cm by 12.1 cm by 6.4 cm in size.

Price $1500

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MIN#Tucson2024-42 NEW!

Super aesthetic combination of scalenohedral Calcite with green Fluorite spheres on Quartz covered matrix!
This lovely specimen displays one of the best balanced Calcite with Fluorite combinations I've seen in a long
time from India. The center Calcite is nearly surrounded by the vibrant green Fluorite spheres. It displays a
perfect tip with lustrous-glassy golden faces. The backdrop is colorless Quartz crystals. In excellent condition.
Locality: Mahodari, Sinnar, Nashik District, Maharashtra, India.
Measures: 9.7 cm by 10.7 cm by 4.2 cm in total size.
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base

Price $3450

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MIN#Tucson2024-43 SOLD!

Exceptional cluster of color zoned Fluorite octahedrons perched atop Calcite crystals!
A lovely, pristine Fluorite octadedron cluster with purple and blue coloration along with modified
corners and dozens of crystal faces. The largest 4.3 cm Fluorite is both gemmy and lustrous-glassy.
It's surrounded by four additional octahedrons of similar coloration in varrying sizes. They all sit atop
a bed of white Calcite crystals at both top and bottom. In excellent condition with full terminations.
A accenting of white Dolomite completes the picture with Pyrite on the back side of the matrix.
Locality: Shangbao Mine, Leiyang Co., Hengyang Prefecture, Hunan Province, China.
Measures: 8 cm by 9.7 cm by 5.3 cm in size.

Ex. Dr. Steve Smale Collection

Price $10,500

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MIN#Tucson2024-43b NEW!

Exceptional cluster of sky-blue Fluorite cubes with lavender phantoming!
Gorgeous cluster from the famous Asturias locality, these large modified cubes of Fluorite
are gemmy throughout with a lavender interior and glassy lustrous faces. An sprinkling of
golden Chalcopyrite crystals accent the cubes. In very good condition with no detractions.

Locality: La Viesca Mine, Huergo, La Collada, Siero-Asturias, Spain.
Measures: 9.7 cm by 10.4 cm by 9.6 cm in size.

Ex. Raul Sanabria Mineral Collection

Price $4500

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MIN#Tucson2024-44 NEW!

Dazzling cluster of Danburite crystals covered with sparkling Quartz var. Citrine drusy!
These unique Danburite combo specimens appeared about five shows back and have always been
one of my favorites. The Citrine is a deep orange and nearly covered the Danburite crystals from
top to bottom. The specimen sparkles so much that it almost appears to shimmer. In excellent
condition with full terminations except for one Danburite crystal on the backside out of view.

From Charcas, Mun. de Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
Measures 8 cm by 6 cm by 5.5 cm in total size.

Price $895

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MIN#Tucson2024-45 NEW!

Stunningly aesthetic combination featuring an Amethyst scepter perched atop red speckled Quartz crystals!
Definately one of my favorite small miniatures from the show! The Amethyst crystal scepter is hoppered
and sits perfectly atop the Hematite colored red Quartz crystal cluster below. In excellent condition.
Locality: Brandberg, Erongo Region, Namibia.
Measures: 4 cm by 4 cm by 1.8 cm in size.

Price $750

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MIN#Tucson2024-45b NEW!

Lustrous specimen featuring crystals of Native Silver and Acanthite crystals with Silver dendrites on Calcite!
This specimen has so much going on and under magnification it is a sight to see. Slightly rounded crystals of
Silver are mixed with fine dendrites and gray Acanthites on both the front and back sides of the Calcite matrix.
Some of the sharper Silver crystals exhibit mirror-bright faces which adds brilliance to an otherwise mostly
lustrous specimen. In excellent condition, this fine specimen could easily be displayed from either side.
Locality: Kongsberg Silver Mining District, Svene, Flesberg, Buskerud, Norway.
Measures: 4.3 cm by 4.2 cm by 3 cm in total size.

Price $1850

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MIN#Tucson2024-46 NEW!

A floater crystal of "Ametrine" Quartz from Bolivia!
Ametrine combines the goldenCitrine hue with purple Amethyst hue. These crystals are naturally etched into these weird forms.
This one actually is euhedral with some glassy faces at one end, which is unusual. The color is rich and the termination is complete.
Locality: Anahi Mine, La Gaiba mining district, Ángel Sandoval Province, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Measures: 9.5 cm by 4.8 cm by 3.6 cm in size.

Price $785

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MIN#Tucson2024-47 NEW!

Excellent combination of Native Copper crystals on yellow Mimetite!
I've not this combo before from Tsumeb although I'm not surprised it exists. The Copper
appears as small crystals in dendritic clusters along the left side of the Mimetite covered
matrix. The Mimetite is very similar to those from Mexico. Sparkling and in great condition.

Locality: Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia.
Measures: 3.7 cm by 7.5 cm by 4.5 cm in size.

Price $895

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MIN#Tucson2024-48 NEW!

Gorgeous and super aesthetic specimen featuring a Lazurite crystal flower with crystals at the base!
Incredible, scupltural specimen of deep royal blue Lazurite crystals. The top crystal is perched atop
a white Marble stem with additional crystals along the bottom which exhibit very sharp faces. I've
never seen another Lazurite specimen like this one. The eye appeal is exceptional. No damage.
Locality: Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Kuran wa Munjan District, Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
Measures: 9.1 cm by 5.8 cm by 4.4 cm in size.

Price $1500

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MIN#Tucson2024-48b NEW!

Aesthetic combination of light pink Calcite with Siderite balls and Quartz!
This specimen caught my eye the minute I saw it. There's so much going on here with the
various shapes and colors. It's one of the most attractive and unique specimens I've seen
from this famous locality and its also in excellent condition with no real detractions.

Locality: Verkhnii Mine, Dalnegorsk, Dalnegorsk Urban District,Primorsky Krai, Russia.
Measures: 9.2 cm by 7.3 cm by 6.6 cm in size.

Ex. Kurt Hefendehl Collection
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base

Price $1500

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MIN#Tucson2024-49 NEW!

Beautifully patterned specimen of rare Mohawkite!
Mohawkite is a rare Copper-Arsenic compound. It also contains Cobalt, Silver, Nickel, and Iron.
This specimen is from the only locality in the world where specimens are found. Half polished, half natural.
Locality: Mohawk-Ahmeek Area, Keweenaw County, Michigan.
Measures: 6 cm by 7.7 cm by 2.5 cm in size.
Ex. L Baria Mineral Collection

Price $650

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MIN#Tucson2024-50 NEW!

Brilliant, lustrous radial crystalline sprays of Pyrolusite on Hematite matrix!
The intense luster rolls back and forth across these reddish-black sprays of Pyrolusite. This is
one of the finest specimens I've seen of this material. Quality specimens are anything but common.
Locality: Negaunee, Marquett County, Michigan.
Measures: 8.4 cm by 8.2 cm by 4.3 cm in size.
Price $785

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MIN#Tucson2024-50b NEW!

Super fine bi-colored Native Copper dendrites on matrix!
This is an excellent example of crystalline Native Copper from one of the finest Copper mining localities
in Asia. It was the best specimen I saw at the show and this one came out a couple of decades ago.
Locality: Dzhezkazgan mining district-Karaganda Region-Kazakhstan.
Measures: 7.5 cm by 8 cm by 2.7 cm in size.

Ex. Kurt Hefendehl Collection

Price $985

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MIN#Tucson2024-50c NEW!

Vibrant cluster of mustard-yellow Pyromorphite crystals on Calcite crystals!
A dazzling displays of elongated Pyromorphite crystals, this is an older specimen
from a lesser seen locality in Mexico, The crystals are incredibly glassy and flashy
with a dazzling sparkle as they sit atop a matrix of Calcites in stalactic form. There
are a few crystals missing here and there but that's to be expected for a specimen of
this age. Overall, the piece is in good shape and the crystals cover most of the Calcite.
Locality: San Luis Mine, San José, Guazapares Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico. Circa 1950s.
Measures: 5 cm by 7.8 cm by 4.6 cm in size.
Price $895

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MIN#Tucson2024-50d NEW!

Lovely pink Fluorite octahedrons with black Ilvaite crystals and Arsenopyrite!
Two translucent pink Fluorites sit interlocked besides satiny black Ilvaites. The vertical
crystal to the far right measures 4.7 cm in length. This is one of the better specimens I've
from this locality and it make sense considering that it was hand chosen by Mr. Smale. In
excellent condition with no detractions and satiny lustrous Fluorite surfaces.
Locality: Huanggang Mine, Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia, China.
Measures: 6 cm by 7.5 cm by 7.6 cm in total size.
Ex. Steve Smale Collection

Price $3500

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MIN#Tucson2024-50e NEW!

Amazing centerpiece sized golden-tan Calcite wth a fish-tail twin crystal on Calcite crystals!
This is the largest twinned Calcite I've seen from the Loralai District and it is one of the most
impressize twinned Calcite crystals I've seen from any locality! The perfectly terminated twin
measures 15 cm by 7.2 cm in size and is covered with a satiny luster atop its slightly textured
surfaces. in excellent condition with minimal contacting for a cluster of this size. Very impressive.
Locality: Loralai District, Balochistan, Pakistan.
Measures: 17.7 cm by 20.6 cm by 16.2 cm in size.
Price $2850

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