The Tucson Show 2024 Showrooms

* Updated May 8th, 2024 *

MIN#Tucson2024-53 NEW!

Exceptional!! Unique and stunning specimen of Native Silver dendrites and Calcite with Malachite accenting!
This is a dramatic White Pine Silver and it is one of the finest examples I've ever seen from this classic locality.
The dendritic crystalline structure rises up from the left edge and is incredibly distinctive and covered with a
lovely antique patina over lustrous surfaces. Small Calcite crystals dot the edges as does a rich green coating of
Malachite on the left side. One would be hard pressed to find a more impressive or aesthetic White Pine Silver!
Locality: Unit 96, 2500' level, White Pine Mine, White Pine, Ontonagon County, Michigan.
Measures: 10.2 cm by 6.3 cm by 3.4 cm in size.

Ex. George Witters Collection
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base

Price $12,500

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MIN#Tucson2024-54 NEW!

NEW FIND! Incredible multi-colored cross section of Smithsonite with Aurichalcite and Rosasite!
This is a new Smithsonite find from the Copper Mining District of the Republic of Congo. The specimen is
a polished cross-section of the purest blue Smithsonite I've seen from this locality. The color is further
enhanced by center banding and a rind of Aurichalcite and Rosasite. I only have a few of these amazing
specimens which could easily be cut into gemstones of exceptional quality. Completely translucent to light!
Locality: Yanga Koubenza Quarries, Mfouati, Mfouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of Congo.
Measures: 15 cm by 13 cm by 1.9 cm in size.

Price $1850

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MIN#Tucson2024-55b NEW!

Elegant Native Wire Silver specimen of extraordinary length!
This is one of the largest single wires of Native Silver that I've seen from any locality,
much less the Porco Mine in Bolivia. The curls and bends as it climbs to a length of
8 cm from base to tip. It display lustrous surfaces with beautiful striations along its
entire length. To say this is an impressive Silver specimen is an understatement.
Locality: Porco, Agua de Castilla, Porco Municipality, Antonio Quijarro Province, Potosí, Bolivia.
Measures: 10 cm by 2.2 cm by 1.2 in size.
Comes with a custom made, labeled display base
Price $9500

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MIN#Tucson2024-57 NEW!

Aesthetic specimen of crystalline Native Silver crystals perched high atop matrix!
A beautiful miniature, featuring well crystallized crystals of Native Silver rising atop a matrix
of Epidoite, Calcite and scattered Native Copper. The surfaces are bright and lustrous and can
be displayed from both the front and back due to the unique nature of its crystal display. There's
actually another Silver crystal located on the back side behind the largest one at top. Very nice!
National Mine, Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan.
Measures: 6.2 cm by 4.2 cm by 3.9 cm in size.
Ex. Rolf Wein Collection

Price $3250

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MIN#Tucson2024-58 NEW!

Exceptional, large combination specimen of zoned Fluorite wth a phntomed Calcite and Galena crystals!
This is a classic specimen from Illinois and it is one rarely seen these days at any shows. I can't remember
the last time I saw a combination of these three minerals together on the same piece. The Fluorite cubes in
the center are quite large at 7.5 cm and 6 cm across the corners. The cubes are satiny lustrous with blue
interiors and reddish-purple zoning. The picture on the right shows the Fluorites with backlighting. They
really light up! They are accompanied to the right side by a large yellowish Calcite which also displays
a darker internal phantom. It measures over 11 cm in size. On the left side are two highly lustrous and
modified Galenas with a smaller Calcite crystal nestled between and some even smaller Calcites atop
the top Galena. This is a remarklable specimen for the Denton Mine and one that would be very difficult
to replace since combination specimens of this calibre rarely appear on the market. In excellent condition.
Locality: Denton Mine, Hardin County, Illinois.
Measures: 15 cm 11.7 cm by 8.2 cm in size.

Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $8500

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MIN#Tucson2024-61 NEW!

Absolutely gorgeous specimen featuring a deep pink Morganite with Kunzite atop Quartz points!
This glassy pink jewel is one of the most attractive Morganites from the show. The gemmy crystal
measures over 9 cm in size and sits high atop several terminated Quartz points and is accented by
muscovite and Tourmaline along both sides. The Morganite is complete all the way around with
textbook Beryl faces along the front and complex, matrix-influenced faces along the back. One
interesting feature is the blue Aquamarine core which is barely visible from the front but more
apparent on the back side. Technically, that makes this a bi-colored Aqua-Morganite but it's
much more Morganite than Aqua for sure. In excellent condition with few surface contacts.
Locality: Dara-i-Pech Pegmatite Field, Chapa Dara District, Konar Province, Afghanistan.
Measures: 12.5 cm by 10 cm by 7 cm in total size.
Comes with a custom made, engraved display base

Price $9500

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MIN#Tucson2024-62 NEW!

Excecptional large plate featuring Schorl Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Hyalite Opal and yellow Muscovite!
I can't recall seeing a finer plate of this combination of minerals from Namibia, especially a plate of this size.
The Schorls are super glassy and reflective along the length of their black surfaces. The Quartz crystals are
fully terminated and a spectacular cluster can be seen center right with crystals jutting out in all directions.
The entire cluster of Schorl and Smoky crystals are framed at bottom by Hyalite Opal. In excellent condition.
Locality: Erongo Mountains, Karibib Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.
|Measures: 10.6 cm by 17.2 cm by 9.3 cm in size.

Comes with a custom made, labeled display base

Price $4850

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MIN#Tucson2024-63 NEW!

Outstanding specimen featuring sharp crystals of Native Copper with Calcite on orange Adularia!
One of the finest Michigan combination specimens from the show, this specimen dates back to the
1850's and comes with an antique German handwritten label. The Copper crystals sit atop the white
Calcite crystals and both are framed by deep orange Adularia. A remarkable classic in great condition.
Locality: Keweenaw County, Lake Superior, Michigan.
Measures: 5 cm by 5 cm by 3.9 cm in size.

Price $3500

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MIN#Tucson2024-64 NEW!

Lovely combination of Rhodochrosite with Fluorite and Sphalerite crystals!
This specimen is a pretty minature from the Wutong Mine. The Rhodochrosite crystals appear
as reddish-pink blades and they are freestanding next to the light Purple Fluorite atop the right side.
Lustrous black Sphalerite crystals cover the center portion of this incredibly aesthetic miniature.

Locality: Wutong Mine (Wudong Mine), Liubao, Cangwu Co., Wuzhou, Guangxi, China.
Measures: 4 cm by 4.3 cm by 2.1 cm in size.

Price $985

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MIN#Tucson2024-65 NEW!

Classic old cabinet plate of large lavender Fluorite cubes on Calcite covered matrix!
This is a German Fluorite and the first I've offered from this mine. The large cubes measure 4 cm across the corners, which
are also slightly rounded. They sit atop older Fluorites which have morphed into complex habits and Calcite. The backside is
also covered with Fluorite crystals of a similar, albeit smaller nature. Teufelsgrund is an ancient Fluorite Mine which has been
closed since 1958. Specimens are quite scrace and this was the first I've seen in many years. It's also in excellent condition.

Locality: Teufelsgrund Mine, Belchen, Münstertal, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Freiberg Region, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Measures: 13.1 cm by 10.3 cm by 5.7 cm in size.

Price $2450

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MIN#Tucson2024-66 NEW!

Classic specimen of lustrous red Cuprite crystals with Native Copper from England!
I rarely see old English Coppers at the shows and this one was the best I found this year in Tucson. It features
a rich seam of Native Copper which is covered by dozens of triangular red Cuprite crystals. Wheal Gorland was
initiated in 1792 and at first Copper production was inconsistent. Production improved in later decades and the
mine was productive until 1851, with many tens of thousands of tons of Copper ore mined. After 1851 the mine
was worked sporadically for tin and tungsten. This very historical specimen is as aesthetic as it is impressive.
Locality: Wheal Gorland, St Day, Cornwall, England.
Measures: 12.9 cm by 7.7 cm by 10.8 cm in size.

Ex. Bill and Carol Smith Collection

Price $8500

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MIN#Tucson2024-67 NEW!

NEW FIND! Incredible multi-colored cross section of Smithsonite with Aurichalcite and Rosasite!
This is a new Smithsonite find from the Copper Mining District of the Republic of Congo. The specimen is
a polished cross-section of the purest blue Smithsonite I've seen from this locality. The color is further
enhanced by white banding and an interior of Aurichalcite and Rosasite. I only have a few of these amazing
specimens which could easily be cut into gemstones of exceptional quality. Completely translucent all the
way through with a natural opening at the bottom center displaying crystallization. Exceptional aesthetics!
Locality: Yanga Koubenza Quarries, Mfouati, Mfouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of Congo.
Measures: 7.8 cm vy 13.3 cm by 2 cm in size.

Price $2500

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MIN#Tucson2024-68 NEW!

Gorgeous Golden Topaz crystal perched atop Smoky Quartz with Microcline!
Pristine 3.5 cm Topaz crystal sitting between dark Smoky Quartz points. A white
Microcline crystal completes the picture, framing the right side of the specimen.
Locality: Cerro La Tipa, Papachacra, Belen Department, Catamarca, Argentina.
Measures: 3.5 cm by 5 cm by 3.4 cm in size.

Price $985

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MIN#Tucson2024-69 Sold!

Gorgeous cluster of raspberry Fluorite with Barite set atop Sphalerite!
One of the prettiest Elmwood combo specimens I've seen in years. A large Barite scoop serves as the center
for numerous raspberry Fluorite cubes which surround it on all sides. These cubes feature a satiny luster
which rolls light across surfaces textured by the dozens of small crystal faces! The interiors are very clear
and gemmy, right down to the Sphalerite beneath. There are a couple of very tiny contacts which are
barely worth mentioning and the backside is completely rehealed except for a small spot on the far left.
Locality: Elmwood Mine, Smith County, Tennessee.
Measures: 9.6 cm by 7.5 cm by 6.4 cm in size.

Price $3500

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MIN#Tucson2024-70 NEW!

ExcRare specimen of Luzonite with Siderite on matrix!
Luzonite is a rare CuAsS mineral. Crystals are very rare, small, and equant (pseudo-octahedral) in habit.
It appears in combination with Siderite blades atop this aesthetic specimen. The Luzonite has been analysed.

Locality: Julcani Mine, Julcani District, Angaraes Province, Huancavelica, Peru.
Measures: 6.3 cm by 7.7 cm by 4.2 cm in size.

Price $895

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MIN#Tucson2024-71 NEW!

Fine specimen featuring sharp crystals of Native Copper and Native Silver with Epidote!
The Copper crystals cover the specimen from top the bottom. Several find crystals
of Silver are visible along the lower right edge with one reaching across the middle.
Locality: Quincey Mine, Houghton County, Michigan.
Measures: 4 cm by 1.8 cm by 2.6 cm in size.

Price $985

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MIN#Tucson2024-73 NEW!

Fine crystals of green Pyromorphite sitting atop botryoidal Malachite!
Another Australian beauty - This time from the famous Rum Jungle region. This specimen is from
a 2010 find that exibited the fine crystals of yellowish-green Pyromorphite on Malachite. This find
was known for its quality of specimens and rich overall Pyromorphite coverage, a somewhat different
morphology from the earlier pit finds. This one has great aesthetics, luster, and is in excellent condition.
Locality: Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Coomalie Shire, Northern Territory, Australia.
Measures: 8.5 cm by 9.6 cm by 5.7 cm in size.

Ex. R. E. Reynolds Collection

Price $1450

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MIN#Tucson2024-74 NEW!

Gorgeous specimen of gemmy Native Sulfur crystals inside an Aragonite matrix vug!
This is a classic specimen from the long closed mines in Sicily, Italy. It displays large gemmy crystals,
many of which are doubly terminated. They are lustrous and transparent, measuring to 3 cm, snug inside the
concave Aragonite matrix. In excellent condition, this was the most unique Sulfur specimens I found in Tucson.
Locality: Cozzo Disi Mine, Casteltermini, Agrigento Province (Girgenti Province), Sicily, Italy.
Measures: 11.8 cm by 17 cm by 10.4 cm in size.

Price $4850

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MIN#Tucson2024-75 NEW!

Extraordinarily rare specimen featuring a deep blue Aquamarine crystal perched horizontally atop Topaz crystals!
I saw two of these unique specimens from Russia at the show and this one was by far the best of the two. The Aquamarine
crystal exhibits a deep blue coloration and it is also doubly terminated, measuring over 7 cm in length. It sits or lays atop
a bed of numerous Topaz crystals which are mostly pale blue but they also show some golden accents or inclusions. Very
beautiful and unusual specimen and a rare combination as well. In very good condition with loads of glassy flash and color.
Locality: Adun-Cholon Range, Nerchinsky District, Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia.
Measures: 10 cm by 13.5 cm by 5.2 cm in size.

Price $4500

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MIN#Tucson2024-75b NEW!

Stunning large cabinet plate of Quartz var. Prase Quartz crystals in cluster!
A beautifully arranged Quartz crystal cluster with glassy green faces and olive green interiors.
All but one crystal along the bottom edge are terminated. The green coloration is the result of
inclusions of Actinolite or possibly Hedenbergite. This is the finest plate of Prase Quartz from the show.
Locality: Huanggang Fe-Sn Deposit, Hexigten Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China.
Measures: 7.7 cm by 18.6 cm by 10 cm in size.

Price $4500

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